History and Culture
"History, recent fate of the world ("as a fact of history") and its future ("history as a project") was the most important subject for Fedorov comprehension. And here he is making a sharp unusual look, a unique generic and the resurrection optics. Striking a planetary nature of his historical vision. Thinker like floats and over centuries and over vast geopolitical regions, countries, nations, attentive gaze stops at intersections, sites of historical drama, prozrevaya deep sense appears kolovraschenii. The fact that at close range may seem random, almost meaningless jerk strange lunges, throwing in a surprising focus of his optics becomes a single value of the organic fragment of historical and metaphysical plot. The deployment of this subject is presented in the "philosophy of the common affairs" in its key points: the starting point of the individual - acceptance of the vertical position, the earliest prehistory, later settling peoples troubles "east-west issue," two polar principles of living arrangement, the centers of rotation of world history - the Pamir and Constantinople, direct and circuitous movement of Iran and Turan, and so on (see the preamble to the article "The vertical position and horizontal - death and life" and to the historical part III "Notes from the uneducated to the scientists'). Fedorov, in essence, makes a sort of "psychoanalysis" of the collective unconscious of humanity, revealing the underlying pulse movements and events associated with a sense of mortality, loss and rejection of subconscious desire to return to their lives, to regain Eden.
The subject of history, says Fedorov - always dead, and sunk into the past events connected with them, but before of them, even the most severe way to judge, to dress, they must first bring to mind (through documents, certificates of various kinds) . So, historians engaged metaphorical, so to speak, "imaginary" evocation of the past, but for the people who died - the subject of remembrance, especially church and home - in the stories and legends about the grandmother and grandfathers. As suggested by Fedorov, names of the dead, as the name of God, "should not be in vain remember," because when with all this anger and sarcasm, and the bill, it goes "history as the court" and "history as a pamphlet." Criterion court over stories Fedorov contrasts his criterion of resurrection. Historical research often live under the sign of judgment condemning the past, finding the perpetrators and villains, parses them to pieces, sorts of people, and resurrection as the criterion of judgment rule, leads to a quiet study of the past, the motives and causes of action, including criminal. If "scientific" history is for Fedorov alleged resurrection, the "real resurrection is already a complete, comprehensive history" (Works, p. 197), the full story of their leaders, great and ordinary, which rose out of the graves, which became apparent and literally, tangible, real.
All mankind for Fedorov - a large family, a close-knit and a single common ancestor natural-ontological destiny. The idea of "global citizenship", launched more Stoics Fedorov preferred "people's view the entire human family," for the first "world, so to speak, in space and not in time" (Works, p. 191), that is, does not consider the diachronic vertical going off into the kinship of all ages to a common ancestor. Exhaustive knowledge therefore becomes one of the main tasks of the members of the kinship and tribal communities, have taken the path of "general affairs", which plans to Fedorov. In such a community are all historians; naimelchayshee settlement and entered the event in a world-sacred history. This is no longer the professional history that saved from oblivion only a few, for the most terrible things, strife, war, revolution, individuals, officially predstavitelstvovavshih for the people, period, fulfillment. Gradually built up the story as the synodic, memorial list of the dead, possibly overgrown specific features previously existing individuals, without exception (the case of the Museum).
Fedorov offers and their orientation in the value triad of humanity-people-person. How could any of the world's thinkers, he was given voschuvstvovanie unity of the human race as a whole ("mankind is also the fatherland"). Generic circuit in which the person lives, though, and goes back to a few grandparents, and so is universal, the more observable small sections - folk, with their national face. People - also a person, but a large, collective, and the demands of the people - too personal, for claiming their identity, maintain continuity of the person nearest father, grandfather, great-grandfather, who lived on this piece of land, with its special natural elements, special mold language, mentality, way of thinking and understanding of one world. Many who knew Fedorov noted his love for Russia, its history, the monarchy seemed to him organically for the country. But nothing was so foreign to him as patriotism in the sense of pride of their homeland, their ancestors, their accomplishments, their cult of fame (in this he saw the expression "total vanity"). "The true ancestor worship is not in glory, but in reality" (Works, p. 196), in advocacy on behalf of them, crushing their loss and a sense of duty to them. (Do not forget that Fedorov was against limiting universality ancestor worship.) People, "became isolated part of the broken human family" could not be to him as a universal Christian thinker, the highest value. In Christianity, in which "there is neither Hellene nor Jew", the people and the nation does not have the highest limit to which can be as self-denial of the individual, as it is in society and novoyazycheskih pagan values, where national identity is conceivable only immortality ( in memory of grateful descendants). However, the affirmation of the idea of personality as such, coming from a true sense of its very self-worth, a truly experienced as a statement every one but himself. Through its involvement in the same family line, where all humanity is interrelated, a translucence of the series and the network of crossings (which offers Russian philosopher) each person exhume, approved and disclosed in its being required, even where it is a identity remains undisclosed in grain or distorted soil and influences into something prickly and even poisonous. Very demand resurrection of all the dead (for their transformation and further development) introduced the principle of personality as the highest: once all resurrected, then for all, without exception, the only recognized value. So in teaching Fedorov realized pairing like extreme things, heaven and earth, intimate voschuvstviya natural family ties and expectations of the Transfiguration-personal heavenly nature and great universal homeland. Generic thinker, he simultaneously universal and the individual, but surprisingly national.
Russia, its original myths, the main stages of development, its purpose - all extremely worried thought Nikolai Fedorovich. He should be a kind of philosophy of history of the Russian state and the serving as watchdog: For centuries it has carried out continuous labor peace nomadic East, collecting land and people, and to protect them from disintegration. The state has become the result of the millennial historical creativity of the people: how many sacrifices, dedication, heroism and labor invested in this spatial giant! And to your question: "What is Russia?" - Or, in other words: "What you need picking up?" - He answered in the spirit of his teaching: "The gathering in the name of their ancestors, and for ancestral connection of all living for the resurrection of all the dead »(I, 364). And he autocrat, the supreme representative and symbolic figure, "standing in the father or forefather place," head "common cause" as the patriarchal head of state, professed kinship and moral principle of dispensation. "King with the people will be an autocrat, the ruler, the ruler of the blind forces of nature, its king - king of no shower, the Pope, and the lord of matter, the external, material world and the deliverer of the law of the legal and economic» (I, 364) [25] . It may seem that Fedorov - unbearable retrograde, does not accept the idea of freedom and rights, wishes eternal enslavement personality in autocratic states (like the yoke of forced unity is easier if it is sacred and type?). And this is where we go wrong. All Fedorov assessment should understand the way he gave them: only in terms of a higher ideal, not the state of the cash and cash options. He understands that if this is not the ultimate goal for voluntary integration into a single "all equally expensive business", then forced and pointless connection becomes really "intolerable", and of course is "the right to disperse (freedom) in all the unions, to the state of marriage "(Works, p. 199). Indicative and that the hierarchy of evil, which he saw in the different types of social dispensation: "If tyranny is evil, that freedom is the absence of good" (Works, p. 250). Thus, despotism, totalitarian power for power's sake - for explicit evil thinker, but "freedom", or rather "aimless freedom" - for it is not good. This freedom, in his view, triumphs in the "neo-pagan" society that began to be approved in the West since the Renaissance. But this, according to Fedorov, "The manufacturing and industrial" paganism cult "of manufactured toys," employees and Venus, and Hermes, and Mars, which like desires, lusts and vices of man, put the "highest good, the last goal of life for themselves, for the present, for comfort "(Works, p. 123).
Best color and justification of the natural order of life and the most natural and normal, to the measure of mortal man, the Western public is the idea of the type of culture and business. It found a way to spell death for the other side of the human being, which is particularly acute tragic final destruction - for the mind and spirit. In contrast, clay, and vanishing into nothingness individual is created fine art gallery imperishable things forever imprinted jiffies those provisions, giving at the same time cultural immortality of their creators. Interestingly, in Russia, represented primarily by Gogol, Tolstoy, and Vladimir Fedorov. Solovyov, the idea of culture as the supreme mission of the nation has undergone drastic osporivaniyu. Not random and that the great paradox, when in the person that gave the zenith cultural movement XVIII-XIX centuries., In Tolstoy, with such conviction and certainly there was the rejection of culture. It's all trifles, beautiful cloth, and even fraud. After all, there is the life of man, there is a separate and unique person, and it can not be redeemed by a perfect distillation of artistic types, the main thing - as "the truth" to arrange his life to save from meaninglessness, to establish on the basis of good and reason. After that, it becomes clear in what sense Fedorov, the highest goal which put the lives of every human being without exception, up to the task and return to immortalize her, said: "The purpose of life will be saved from the culture» (I, 625). Ow. Solovyov also claimed that "the principle of higher cultural vocation is the principle of hard and untrue". [26] Fedorov goes further, arguing the need for a comprehensive work of art of the future to be life itself. The very beginning of art thinker deduced from the funeral rites funeral service, attempts to hold the image of the deceased in a picturesque or sculptures, that is, return it at least imaginary, artificial, and this need - in an infinitely complicate the form of the epic art, the long tradition of heroic deeds our ancestors to modern forms - gets all the art: that the crystallization of fluid, transitory life forms in the beautiful and timeless, the resurrection and the seal of the former and lived, the creative feeling out new life forms that occur in it. Art - for Fedorov - the prototype of the resurrection of the Act and even the type of implementation: the birth place of artistic creation (sublimation of erotic energy in the art), and finally, the restoration of life and people as if "out of himself." There is an art becomes a kind of laboratory, "prefixed" true art of the future, which is the synthesis of the science will become a force of life itself, really resurrecting the lost are actively transforming the universe. Fedorov theurgic aesthetics influenced the VSSoloveva (see his article in 1890, "The general sense of art") and then to the Russian Symbolists. In the fall-pragmatizirovannoy form it appears in some of the new art theories 20s."
S.G. Semenovа
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